Ecstasy Drugs Interpreted Using TCM

Ecstasy (MDMA) is an unusual drug.

Its chemical structure bears similarities to both the stimulant methamphetamine and the hallucinogen mescaline.

Ecstasy is sometimes categorised as an entactogen — which means ‘touching within’ and, like all the other recreational drugs, it was developed for therapeutic use.

It is a drug that provides insight and empathy and it was used covertly as a psychotherapeutic drug for several decades. It was reputedly highly successful in marriage and relationship counselling.

Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushroom is the term popularly used to describe the mushrooms that have an hallucinogenic effect when consumed. Sometimes people shorten the term to “shrooms”.

According to Western research the principal psychoactive component of these mushrooms is psilocybin and the effects include significant visual, auditory and perceptual alterations.

Marijuana Effects: Magic or Madness

Just like millions of other people, my drug-taking journey began with marijuana.

I immediately loved it because it allowed me to experience the magic of non-ordinary states of consciousness.

Marijuana changed my life and there is no doubt in my mind that it has been responsible for a major shift in Western consciousness. But marijuana effects also contributed to the development of severe paranoia and lethargy in me which ultimately drove me to hard drugs and speed addiction.

Supplements can heal post drug depression


Depression, addiction and nutritional supplements

Depression is a common side-effect of addiction and it contributes to relapse. People quit drugs and then instead of ‘returning to normal’ they find themselves feeling empty and depressed.

This happened to me and it brought me close to suicide. If only I’d known then what I do now about the power of nutraceuticals – of Chinese herbs and nutritional supplements. See, nutrient depletion is a major contributor to depression and addicts and alcoholics are nutrient deprived. If you are an addict, drugs create the impression that all your needs have been met. This is a major attraction of getting high.

How diet can help drug recovery

The Drug Recovery Diet

Food is an essential component in a successful drug recovery program, but it is usually ignored in mainstream recovery. If diet is considered at all, it is in the context of nutritional value.

But in Chinese Medicine food is medicinal and diet is about alchemy rather than isolating nutritional elements. In Chinese medicine we use ‘Fire’ to transform a substance (food) into energy (Chi).

LSD back in therapeutic use soon

The extraordinary impact of LSD on the brain has been revealed by the first modern scans of people taken while they were high on the drug.

The scans revealed that the trippers drew information from many parts of their brains, rather than just the usual visual cortex, but they also discovered what parts of the brain disconnect to create what they call ‘ego dissolution’, or what we call cosmic connectedness.

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