The Cause of Addiction (or not)

The cause of addiction (or not)

I just read that Huffington Post article on the latest discovery into the cause of addiction. I’d previously read about that rat experiment they mentioned in which caged rats quickly got addicted to drugs (well, duh, who wouldn’t in a cage with nothing else to do?) but when those rats were relocated to ‘rat park’ which had everything a rat could ever dream of, they lost interest in drugs.

The Radical Road to Recovery

The Radical Road to Recovery by Jost Sauer 

Bingeing on amphetamines is not how a drug and alcohol counselor is supposed to spend their weekends, but in the eighties this is exactly what I was doing. During the week I would try (unsuccessfully) to get my clients off drugs using the standard ‘repent and reform’ approach of the day, but come Friday I’d be hanging out for a hit. The first one would inevitably lead to another and that, in turn, would usually kick off 48 hours of non-stop drug-taking. This was after I’d quit, too.

Don’t Talk To Your Children about Drugs

As a therapist specialising in holistic drug repair, I find I am now working with two distinct groups: drug-users and the parents of drug-users. Often the latter are much more distraught and desperate than the former. Particularly those parents who never used drugs themselves but, following government advice to ‘talk to their children about drugs’, initiated conversations that, due to the powerful emotions involved, became increasingly more confrontational until their relationship with their children broke down. These parents initially tried to be understanding (like the parents on the anti-drug television campaigns) but driven by the raw anguish of seeing their children destroy themselves and the agony of their own powerlessness to change the situation, ended up blaming, criticising and verbally attacking their children. This is not the way the scenario plays out on TV but unfortunately it is all too common in real life.

Where’s My Chi?

Time Organ Intent Actions
5:00-7:00am Large intestine / colon Transform Get up, drink water, evacuate bowels, stretch, meditate, exercise
7:00-9:00am Stomach Balance Be sweet to yourself, eat breakfast, arrive, become real
9:00am-11:00am Spleen Develop Act, make decisions, work hard, think, communicate, achieve
11:00am-1:00pm Heart Communion Articulate vision and purpose, access your soul, spread the love
1:00pm-3:00pm Small Intestine Refine Have lunch, go slow, ride the wave

Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity
– Lao-tzu


Come Again? Ejaculation, Affairs and Yin & Yang

In Western medicine, sex is not considered an integral part of health, in Traditional Chinese Medicine though, sexual practices are considered to have a huge impact on health by affecting levels of ‘Jing’, a substance which determines your basic constitutional strength and vitality. Jing is supposed be carefully managed but there are lots of things that we do that can contribute to its decline, and consequently an earlier death, and excessive ejaculation in men is one of these.

Drugs, Cigarettes and Grief

As a holistic health counsellor, I treat many people who have had an addiction of some sort in the past. They come to see me because they want to make changes and become healthier but they often mention having to give up just one ‘last vice’ before they reach this goal. One of the most common ‘last vices’, particularly for ex-drug addicts, is cigarettes. However, I don’t believe there is a ‘last vice’ because once we start on the path to health and self-realisation and undergo daily practice of meditative techniques, we naturally constantly refine our energy fields.

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