Supplements for drug and alcohol rehabilitation

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High powered nutritional supplementation is absolutely critical for successful drug or alcohol rehabilitation. Drug use consumes your internal ‘fuel’ (jing). This is why you feel lethargy, depression, emptiness, lack of motivation, pessimism and emotionally reactivity. High-powered supplements immediately alleviate these symptoms and lift your mood.

How to become an addiction therapist

Everything about taking drugs is initially incredibly positive, otherwise no one would do it, but afterwards everything is negative. All the media on drugs is negative. Its all about the drug problem or drugs and crime, drugs and addiction, drugs and death. Every single patient with a drug history comes in to see me looking glum and grim. They think they will never be happy again, they think they are diseased, addicted and have wasted years of their life.

How diet can help drug recovery

The Drug Recovery Diet

Food is an essential component in a successful drug recovery program, but it is usually ignored in mainstream recovery. If diet is considered at all, it is in the context of nutritional value.

But in Chinese Medicine food is medicinal and diet is about alchemy rather than isolating nutritional elements. In Chinese medicine we use ‘Fire’ to transform a substance (food) into energy (Chi).

Drugs and the Invisible Worlds

Natural therapies offer extremely effective solutions for drug recovery and repair, however, an important aspect of this work that is not often addressed is the influence of the ‘invisible worlds’ on both people who have taken recreational drugs and those who are in contact with them.

This is particularly relevant for therapists who use energetic or spiritual techniques which can open up their energy fields to ‘invasion’.

Why Your Past Drug Experience Holds the Secret To Future Recovery

There was an article in the newspaper recently stating that ‘retro’ drugs such as LSD and magic mushrooms were back.

This is an interesting development because the psychedelic drugs are traditionally less popular than the stimulant / party drugs but they also have very different effects. The term ‘psychedelic’ is made up of psyche –  meaning ‘mind’ and delos – meaning ‘clear’, so psychedelic could be interpreted as ‘manifesting a clear mind’.

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