The Cause of Addiction (or not)

The cause of addiction (or not)

I just read that Huffington Post article on the latest discovery into the cause of addiction. I’d previously read about that rat experiment they mentioned in which caged rats quickly got addicted to drugs (well, duh, who wouldn’t in a cage with nothing else to do?) but when those rats were relocated to ‘rat park’ which had everything a rat could ever dream of, they lost interest in drugs.

Don’t Talk To Your Children about Drugs

As a therapist specialising in holistic drug repair, I find I am now working with two distinct groups: drug-users and the parents of drug-users. Often the latter are much more distraught and desperate than the former. Particularly those parents who never used drugs themselves but, following government advice to ‘talk to their children about drugs’, initiated conversations that, due to the powerful emotions involved, became increasingly more confrontational until their relationship with their children broke down. These parents initially tried to be understanding (like the parents on the anti-drug television campaigns) but driven by the raw anguish of seeing their children destroy themselves and the agony of their own powerlessness to change the situation, ended up blaming, criticising and verbally attacking their children. This is not the way the scenario plays out on TV but unfortunately it is all too common in real life.

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