Supplements for drug and alcohol rehabilitation

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High powered nutritional supplementation is absolutely critical for successful drug or alcohol rehabilitation. Drug use consumes your internal ‘fuel’ (jing). This is why you feel lethargy, depression, emptiness, lack of motivation, pessimism and emotionally reactivity. High-powered supplements immediately alleviate these symptoms and lift your mood.

If you have had extended use of the ATS drugs, supplementation is necessary to just regain normal physiological, and emotional function, but critical if you ever want an exciting and engaging life again.

You will never be able to get enough nutrients from food to correct drug damage, not even from a ‘healthy diet’. Supplements are concentrated foods and they are the secret to health and happiness for anyone. They enable you to experience power, peak performance and altered states again.

Drugs are a concentrated intensified substance that deliver instant results and that functionality needs to be matched in the supplements. Accordingly, the products I recommend are from Modere. They are based on Chinese medicine, they are effective and, in conjunction with the other program components, they will accelerate your recovery.

You can, of course, use your own supplements but I can’t guarantee the outcome. Most nutritional supplements on the market won’t have a noticeable effect because they are designed for people who live normal lives; people who never tripped on psychedelics or did 5-day amphetamine binges or had a bottle of whiskey each night before bed.

If you don’t take nutritional supplements you will permanently feel as if you are living a half-life, you will battle cravings, and be much more likely to relapse.

Supplement list I personally use and recommend

Immune HealthHigh powered nutritional supplementation is absolutely critical for successful drug or alcohol rehabilitation.




EFA Krill


Mexican Wild Yam

D3 Plus

Muscle & Bone Nutrition

Green Qi

Natural Mineral Drink

Stress Health

Immune Health: Your immune system is probably weak. Symptoms of this include bad skin, frequent illness and a general feeling of lethargy and fatigue. Immune Health is the most powerful product I’ve found to boost the immune system and facilitate a return to health, strength and resilience. Immune Health supports full participation in life again and enables you to bounce back quickly from stress and challenges. Strong immunity is a must for recovery and a happy productive life after drugs.

Endurance: Exercising and building muscle is a key part of my recovery program. Intense exercise is necessary to be physically able to achieve highs after drugs (I’m not talking about endorphins here). But most ex-addicts feel too weak to exercise, they don’t feel they have the strength to lift a weight and imagine they’d collapse if they tried to run on the treadmill.

Even if you are fit, and do have the energy to get to the gym, exercise alone will not deliver full recovery. This requires a specific exercise program plus supplements. ‘Endurance’ is a powerful Chinese formula designed to build the body and the stamina needed to do this exercise routine. This product helps creates the foundation for a body that will take you further into altered or peak performance states than drugs ever did.

Well-Being: Based on the legendary Emperors Formula of Chinese Medicine, this is bottled will-power and energy. It supports success whether that is avoiding relapse, achieving goals or following up on your dreams. Regaining the confidence and energy to engage with intensity and challenges is a key element for a happy and successful life after drugs. Well-Being supports this too and is especially important for those who were addicted to the confidence-building qualities of drugs like ice, meth, speed or cocaine.

Antioxidant: The hyper-stimulation of drugs impacts negatively on your tissues, joints and muscles. This contributes to the post-drug lethargy, body stiffness and aches and pains. Those feelings can linger for years after quitting contributing to cravings and relapses. Antioxidants specifically target this and return your body to fluidity and suppleness. Antioxidants are a must for anyone who has used excessive drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. Antioxidants also help to reverse the accelerated ageing effects of drugs and enable you to start feeling (and looking) younger in body and mind, thus enabling you to embrace a future of positivity and possibility.

EFA Krill: Recreational drugs smooth out your emotions. If you are high you are accepting of everything, you go with the flow. But off drugs, or after you quit, you are reactive and resistant to change. You are unable to go with the flow and feel stuck, frustrated, annoyed and angry. EFA Krill supports going with the flow again, and you ability to embrace change and experience a smooth flow of the emotions, what we call ‘smooth-flowing chi’ in Chinese medicine.

Focus: After drugs it is common to feel scattered, unable to focus and to lose track of your thoughts in the middle of a sentence – the dreaded ‘mind-blank’. Without the ability to focus you feel directionless, as if you are going nowhere in life. This causes irritation and frustration and is another major contributor to relapse. After drugs it is essential to get back into the focus zone ASAP and this is exactly what Focus supports. It assists you in staying with one thought at a time, constructing sentences that are in sync with your ideas, and fluent and coherent communication.

Mexican Wild Yam: Drugs create their effects by exploiting your chi, and forcing your chi to flow feely. When you quit you are chi deficient and stagnant. This contributes to painful muscle cramps. Mexican Wild Yam helps alleviate this and makes everything feel in flow again.

D3 Plus: Drugs stabilize emotions but you quit, you are on an emotional rollercoaster, prone to sudden uncontrollable outbursts, neediness and emotional reactivity. This increases the risk of relapse because feeling unstable leads to compulsive actions to rectify your imbalances. This impacts negatively on every part of your life. If you stabilize your emotions these compulsive actions can be better avoided and recovery and life after drugs will be much happier. D3 Plus is an essential supplement to get you off the emotional rollercoaster and stable again.

Muscle & Bone Nutrition: Drugs exploit your body’s own resources to generate the highs. In TCM, these resources are stored in your bone-marrow. It is like a savings account which is drawn from to pay for your highs. The more drugs you consume, the weaker your bone marrow becomes and bone density is lost. Heroin addicts can have such brittle bones, they can break limbs just doing normal daily activities. Building high bone density requires the exercise routine in conjunction with Muscle and Bone Nutrition.

Green Qi: Drug use creates chi (energy) deficiency. To build your energy (chi) up after drugs requires as many cooked green vegetables as possible as the pure energy of the sun is stored in green leaves, especially in things like alfalfa and seaweed. But to get anywhere near enough to create change, you would have to be munching on greens 24/7. Green Qi powder is a better alternative, it is a concentrated form of super greens.

Natural Mineral Drink: Drugs enhance the exchange and transmission of information in your brain. Under the influence of specific substances, you know what to say and feel fully alert. When you quit this responsiveness and alertness is gone, and information transmission is slow. Minerals enhance brain energy information transmission. The best mineral delivery system available is the Natural Mineral Drink.

Stress Health: Many people use drugs make them feel calm, relaxed and at peace. After quitting this neural stimulation is no longer available and they become highly stressed, anxious, depressed and unable to relax. It is not possible to talk yourself out of this state, it is necessary to give your body what it requires to produce calmness and peace. Stress Health is the most powerful product for this. *NOTE: do not use Stress Health in conjunction with antidepressants. Always seek professional advice.

*always seek professional advice

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[av_row row_style=’avia-heading-row’][av_cell col_style=”]First 28 Days[/av_cell][av_cell col_style=”]Next 2-3 Months[/av_cell][av_cell col_style=”]Maintenance[/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=”][av_cell col_style=”]Breakfast 3 Immune Health 3 Endurance 4 Well-Being 1 Antioxidant 2 Adult Multivitamin 1 EFA Krill 1 Focus 1 Mexican Wild Yam 1 D3 Plus 2 Muscle & Bone Nutrition 2 scoop Green Qi 10ml Natural Mineral Drink 11am 3 Immune Health 4 Well-Being [/av_cell][av_cell col_style=”]Monday to Friday Breakfast 3 Immune Health 3 Endurance 4 Well-Being 1 Antioxidant 2 Adult Multivitamin 1 EFA Krill 1 Focus 1 Mexican Wild Yam 1 D3 Plus 2 Muscle & Bone Nutrition 2 scoop Green Qi 10ml Natural Mineral Drink [/av_cell][av_cell col_style=”]Monday to Friday Breakfast 3 Immune Health 3 Endurance 4 Well-Being 1 Antioxidant 3 Adult Multivitamin 1 EFA Krill 1 Focus 1 Mexican Wild Yam 1 D3 Plus 2 Muscle & Bone Nutrition 2 scoop Green Qi 10ml Natural Mineral Drink [/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=”][av_cell col_style=”]Lunch 3 Immune Health 3 Endurance 4 Well-Being 2 Adult Multivitamin 1 EFA Krill 1 Focus 1 Mexican Wild Yam 1 D3 Plus 2 Muscle & Bone Nutrition 2 scoop Green Qi [/av_cell][av_cell col_style=”]Lunch 3 Immune Health 3 Endurance 4 Well-Being 2 Adult Multivitamin 1 EFA Krill 1 Focus 1 Mexican Wild Yam 1 D3 Plus 2 Muscle & Bone Nutrition 2 scoop Green Qi [/av_cell][av_cell col_style=”]Lunch 3 Immune Health 2 – 4 Well-Being, depending on workload 1 D3 Plus [/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=”][av_cell col_style=”]Dinner 2 Adult Multivitamin 1 Antioxidant 1 D3 Plus 3 Stress Health Bed-time 3 Stress Health [/av_cell][av_cell col_style=”]Dinner 2 Adult Multivitamin 1 Antioxidant 1 D3 Plus 3 Stress Health Bed-time 3 Stress Health [/av_cell][av_cell col_style=”]Dinner 1 Adult Multivitamin 1 Antioxidant 1 D3 Plus 1 Stress Health Bed-time 2 Stress Health [/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=”][av_cell col_style=”] [/av_cell][av_cell col_style=”]Saturday & Sunday Breakfast 1 Antioxidant 2 Adult Multivitamin 2 EFA Krill 1 D3 Plus 10ml Natural Mineral Drink Dinner 2 Adult Multivitamin 1 Antioxidant 1 D3 Plus 2 Stress Health Bed-time 3 Stress Health [/av_cell][av_cell col_style=”]Saturday & Sunday Breakfast 1 Antioxidant 2 Adult Multivitamin 1 EFA Krill 1 D3 Plus 10ml Natural Mineral Drink Dinner 1 Adult Multivitamin 1 Antioxidant 1 D3 Plus 1 Stress Health Bed-time 2 Stress Health [/av_cell][/av_row]

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