Orthomolecular Recovery: The New Frontier
Orthomolecular therapy, sometimes called orthomolecular psychiatry or mega-vitamin therapy, is one of the quickest, easiest and most natural ways to treat and heal addiction.
Addiction is the inability to stop relapsing. People relapse because guilt, anxiety, paranoia, emotional reactivity, depression, confusion, insomnia, fear and shame, on top of physical aches and pain, make life without drugs or alcohol feel utterly unbearable. If no one had these symptoms, there would be no addiction. Our Orthomolecular Recovery uses intense doses of top quality natural nutritional and dietary supplements to eliminate all these physical and emotional symptoms, as well as cravings.
Recreational drugs deliver instant results and we match that functionality and power in our Orthomolecular Recovery program. This is a key part of our 5 day residential rehab program but we also offer it as an individual service. The results are mind-blowing. It targets the following:
Fear and anxiety: Extended use of drugs like ice, meth, speed or cocaine erodes willpower and creates imbalances that give rise to fear and anxiety instead. We use products based on the legendary Emperors Formula of Chinese Medicine, to quickly rebuild will-power and energy confidence and the desire to engage with intensity and challenges again. This is especially important for those who were addicted to the confidence-building qualities of stimulant drugs.
Weak immune system: A weak immune system is common for everyone after addiction. Symptoms include bad skin, frequent illness, lethargy and fatigue. We use the most powerful products on the market to boost the immune system and facilitate a return to health and strength, and to create the resilience to bounce back quickly from stress and challenges again.
Nutritional deficiencies: Drug use creates chi (energy) deficiency. To build your chi up you need as many cooked green vegetables as possible, as the pure energy of the sun is stored in green leaves. But to get what you need you’d have to be munching on greens 24/7. We use top-quality nutritional and dietary supplements that are a concentrated form of super greens.
Low bone density: Drugs exploit your body’s own resources to generate the highs. In Chinese medicine, these resources are stored in your bone-marrow, like a savings account. A side-effect of substance abuse is that bone marrow weakens and bone density is lost. Heroin especially creates brittle bones. We rebuild with therapeutic exercise and nutritional products that increase muscle and bone strength.
Muscle cramps: Drugs create heightened and altered states by exploiting your jing but also by forcing your ‘chi’ or energy to flow at full speed. When you quit you will have chi-deficiency and chi-stagnation. It doesn’t flow and this contributes to painful muscle cramps. We use great natural products to help alleviate this and make everything feel in flow again in life.
Lethargy, aches and pains: The hyper-stimulation of drugs impacts negatively on your tissues, joints and muscles, contributing to post-drug lethargy, stiffness, aches and pains. We use antioxidants help return your body to fluidity and suppleness and reverse the accelerated ageing effects of drugs. You’ll start feeling and looking younger.
Emotional stagnation: If you are high you accept everything and go with the flow. After you quit its more likely that you are reactive, resistant to change and feel stuck, frustrated, annoyed and angry. Not getting anywhere in life. We use Krill to support going with the flow again, embracing change and achieving a smooth flow of the emotions, or what we call smooth-flowing ‘chi’ in Chinese medicine.
Scattered thinking: After drugs it is common to feel scattered, unable to focus and to blank out in the middle of a sentence. You feel directionless, causing irritation and frustration (a relapse- contributor). We use powerful natural supplements to build focus so you can stay with one thought, construct sentences in sync with your ideas, and have coherent communication skills again.
Emotional outbursts: Heavy drug or alcohol use makes people prone to sudden uncontrollable outbursts, neediness and emotional instability. This leads to compulsive actions and impacts negatively on every part of your life. Stabilise your emotions, relapse is less likely and life will be much happier. We include the essential supplements for emotional stability in our vitamin therapy.
Low cognitive function: Drugs enhance the exchange and transmission of information in your brain, you know what to say and feel fully alert. When you quit, this is gone, information transmission is slow, you can’t grasp things quickly. Specific minerals enhance brain energy information transmission. We use the best mineral delivery system available.
Stress: Many people use drugs make them feel calm, relaxed and at peace. After quitting this is no longer artificially available and high-stress, anxiety, depression and an inability to relax arise instead. Our program gives your body what it needs to create calmness and peace.
Orthomolecular Recovery diagnostics and supplementation package.
Our Orthomolecular Recovery is a special form designed by Jost Sauer specifically for addiction and it combines top quality nutritional supplementation with Chinese herbal formulas which:
- Stop cravings
- Boost immunity
- Build energy & increase stamina
- Cure insomnia & counter stress
- Detox & weight loss
- Improve your mood
- Boost anti-ageing & clear skin and eyes
High-quality nutritional supplements are essential way to heal the damage caused by addiction and rebuild health and happiness after addiction.
- Nutritional supplements are concentrated foods, they replenish your life force, and they are the key to quitting successfully.
- Nutritional supplements are essential to restore normal physiological and emotional function, and critical if you want to feel engaged with life again.
- If you don’t take professional effective nutritional supplements you will battle cravings and you will be much more likely to relapse.
Chinese herbal formulas
In traditional Chinese medicine, drug and alcohol addiction hyperstimulates your system. This weakens your organ function, especially your liver function. This creates symptoms including: brain fog, exhaustion, moodiness, depression, frustration, blurry vision, muscle cramps, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, tinnitus, headaches, dizziness, sadness, indecisiveness, mental restlessness, irritation, chills, insomnia, anxiety, shortness of breath, outbursts of anger, and more.
These symptoms lead to cravings and relapse. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is simply organ deficiencies and Orthomolecular Recovery restores organ health, rebalances your system and quickly alleviates or eliminates symptoms.
Recreational drugs force chi flow to deliver highs. The Chinese herbal formulas work on this chi level to create organ health and promote chi flow so you will feel good naturally. If you feel good naturally, you don’t need to binge on drugs or alcohol. The formulas have multiple active ingredients and harmonise with the nutritional supplements to create emotional balance, clear thinking, focus and energy. You’ll feel strong and confident again, and the anti-ageing properties correct both internal and external signs of addiction.
How it works
When you do a line of coke or smoke a meth pipe and suddenly, like magic, are energised and raring to go, it’s not magic and it’s not actually the drug, it’s what the drug has activated which, in Chinese medicine, is your life force (we call this jing). However, the more drugs you do, the more you chew through your jing, which is why you keep needing more drugs to get the same result, why the quality of the highs always declines, and why all your symptoms slowly get worse. The combination of high-quality nutritional supplements and Chinese herbal formulas builds your jing.