Supplements for drug and alcohol rehabilitation

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High powered nutritional supplementation is absolutely critical for successful drug or alcohol rehabilitation. Drug use consumes your internal ‘fuel’ (jing). This is why you feel lethargy, depression, emptiness, lack of motivation, pessimism and emotionally reactivity. High-powered supplements immediately alleviate these symptoms and lift your mood.

The Cause of Addiction (or not)

The cause of addiction (or not)

I just read that Huffington Post article on the latest discovery into the cause of addiction. I’d previously read about that rat experiment they mentioned in which caged rats quickly got addicted to drugs (well, duh, who wouldn’t in a cage with nothing else to do?) but when those rats were relocated to ‘rat park’ which had everything a rat could ever dream of, they lost interest in drugs.

The Radical Road to Recovery

The Radical Road to Recovery by Jost Sauer 

Bingeing on amphetamines is not how a drug and alcohol counselor is supposed to spend their weekends, but in the eighties this is exactly what I was doing. During the week I would try (unsuccessfully) to get my clients off drugs using the standard ‘repent and reform’ approach of the day, but come Friday I’d be hanging out for a hit. The first one would inevitably lead to another and that, in turn, would usually kick off 48 hours of non-stop drug-taking. This was after I’d quit, too.

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